Monday, February 20, 2006

Fuck I was late...again...I was getting myself ready to stand at the gate for the whole day....again...But this time, the damn school had a new way of what the 'punishment' for being late....We had to go around the school perimeter and collect the litter for 2 fucking periods...

BTW....I was late cos this morning I had to take a shit...emergency...held onto for too long!!!!(ewwww)(hahaha)...Anyway, we went round the whole school as I had expected to feel like a cleaner....(damn!!!)....But guess what, Mr. Tan(the OM) pointed out to me a wrapper on the floor.....I went over to it and saw(shit!!!!)2 packets of condom unopened(hahaha)

(Yessa!!!)...I was like smiling all the way back to class....Went into class and showed that shit I just everyone....(YAY....feeling like a hero here...haha)...the day went as usual....boring same old shit....(now it's boring but when school's over....gonna miss it....WEIRD!!!)....had a bad time during F&N as the teacher was constantly nagging at me....Anyway this time, I really wanna focus on my coursework and maybe even pass(that would be great!!!)... and prove that 'Shemale' wrong!!!

Gotta go!!!